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Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness

The lack of racial diversity in veterinary medicine

Although it is widely recognized that there are relatively few veterinarians of color in the United
States, demographic information to characterize the profession by race is not currently available.

By Elmore, R.G. on June 30, 2024

Extrapolation from recent veterinary college graduation numbers, however, would indicate that approximately 91% of all veterinarians are white, whereas only 5% are Hispanic, 2% are black, 1% are Asian/Pacific Islander, and < 1% (n = 682) are American Indian/Alaska Native.1 This is in sharp contrast to census data collected in 2000 that indicated about 70% of US residents are white, 12.5% are Hispanic, 12.3% are black, 3.7% are Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1% are
American Indian/Alaska Native. 2 These numbers strongly indicate that the veterinary profession does not reflect the United States population racially.

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